In the exkursions we could see most of the ornithological highlights of the bird experience, including Austria's 5th Dalmatian Pelican at Graurinderkoppel/Apetlon and a singing Aquatic Warbler at Geiselsteller/Illmitz:
Other interesting observations were four Whimbrels at the 16th near Lange Lacke, a White-winged Tern at the 16th at Graurinderkoppel/Illmitz, a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Lange Lacke at the 16th and a Goshawk at Geiselsteller/Illmitz at the 17th:
Furthermore, I could make fotos of Yellow Wagtails near Lange Lacke and a Wood Sandpiper at Warmblüterkoppel/Illmitz:
During the fair I also had the opportunity to talk with the Hungarian-German bird painter ( ), who gave me some valuable advices to improve my painting skills, for instance, not immediately starting to sketch when I see a bird but to take much more time to simply watch the bird. Here are my newest pictures:
Greyleg Geese with Goslings at Geiselsteller/Illmitz
Great Bustard in Hansag
Kentish Plover in the evening light at Geiselsteller/Illmitz